Below are pictures from my old sites. The more recent and my very first site. I find it fun to look back on what I have done in the past, and to see how much I have improved since then.

After a while I get bored of my site and I can take my new ideas along with the opinions of others to upgrade it. Each time I can practice more new CSS and Javascript tricks.


Implemented some color and themes. This was mostly a focus on standards and working on CSS skills

retro v3 index
retro v3 code
retro v3 websites
retro v3 resume


This site was coded up with Notepad++, by my own hand, a much needed overhaul from my original site for two reasons. First, my original site was not a representation of my skill in html/css/javascript and second, I needed to make something that looked better with more space for content.

revamped Main Page
revamped Graphics Page
Rich Format Resume


This site is hardly by skill, much of the work was done thanks to Dreamweaver, and some to my roomate Mike (thanks, man).

original main page
original projects page
original about me page
original resume page