Active Projects Work In Progress...

Just some projects I'm working on or technical tests.

  When I build my website, this page is dynamically generated based on the content that is in my (web)projects directory. If there is an index.html in the project's root then you can click on it to see the project. No guarantee these pages are working or intersting as they are all in some form of work-in-progress
Project Name Project Index / Link
SDE projects/SDE/
bing projects/bing/
gallifreyan projects/gallifreyan/
innotech projects/innotech/
jessconvo projects/jessconvo/
js projects/js/
klor projects/klor/
lemming projects/lemming/
life projects/life/
pong misc/pong/
skull_puzzle projects/skull_puzzle/
subs projects/subs/
tessellation projects/tessellation/
whyilift projects/whyilift/
yt projects/yt/